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Nutura – Sữa bột hữu cơ đột phá: Nền tảng vững chắc cho tương lai khỏe mạnh của trẻ

Đối với các bậc cha mẹ, việc lựa chọn sữa bột cho trẻ em không chỉ đơn thuần là vấn đề dinh dưỡng mà còn là quyết định chăm sóc sức khỏe toàn diện cho con trẻ. Giữa một rừng lựa chọn sữa bột đa dạng, Sữa bột Nutura nổi bật với những đặc tính […]

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How to Exercise Safely During Pregnancy


Exercising while pregnant is well recognised as being both safe and beneficial for both mother and baby. There are, however, some guidelines you should follow. Exercising during pregnancy helps you to maintain a healthy weight and a good fitness level, as well as lifting your spirits and preparing you for…

How to Transition Your Baby to Solids


During the first four to six months of your baby’s life, their body will be relying on iron deposits gained during the time inside your womb, which have in turn been supplemented by your breast milk or breast milk substitute. However, as your baby continues to develop they can no…

A Guide to Good Eating During Pregnancy


Making better food choices during pregnancy not only helps to protect the health of your growing baby but also helps to keep you feeling your very best during this transformative time. Choosing good, healthy foods gives you all the essential vitamins and nutrients you need to support your pregnancy and…

How to protect your babies during COVID-19 time


Babies have weak immune system, and easily exposed to harmful substances in the environment. Therefore, parents need to be very careful to take care of babies properly. Especially during the period from 6 months to 3 years – called the “immune gap” stage in children. And parents need to pay…

Understanding Organic


1. What does organic mean? When a food or product is organic, it means the production or manufacturing of that product must follow a strictly defined set of rules that ensures it is produced as nature intended. When it comes to food, organic foods must comply with a number of…

When should you give your child sugar?


Sugar comes in many forms and is added to many common packaged foods consumed in Australia. Sugar is used to enhance the taste and flavour of foods but what is most frightening is that many of these food products are foods designed for young children. What are the different types…

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