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Nutura – Sữa bột hữu cơ đột phá: Nền tảng vững chắc cho tương lai khỏe mạnh của trẻ

Đối với các bậc cha mẹ, việc lựa chọn sữa bột cho trẻ em không chỉ đơn thuần là vấn đề dinh dưỡng mà còn là quyết định chăm sóc sức khỏe toàn diện cho con trẻ. Giữa một rừng lựa chọn sữa bột đa dạng, Sữa bột Nutura nổi bật với những đặc tính […]

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Baby’s First Visitors


Having a baby generally means there will be lots of visitors around in the first few weeks. And this starts the moment the child arrives. With all your friends and loved ones gathering around your little one, it is important to find balance and time alone for your own family.…

How to teach your kids to eat slowly


(Tiếng Việt) Nhân vật Homer Simpson là ví dụ điển hình để trả lời – hành động anh ấy luôn ăn với tốc độ chóng mặt,  hình ảnh ăn ngấu nghiến của Homer chính xác là thói quen mà các bậc cha mẹ không ai muốn các con mình học…

9 Lunar New Year Greeting Tips When Visiting Family and Friends with Your Baby


Lunar New Year is an important festival for most Vietnamese background families; the whole family sitting together to have reunion dinner, and visiting family and friends are the New Year Traditions.

The Best Foods for Weaning


Weaning is a major milestone for babies – it means that their digestive system is ready to take on solids, and it also represents a time when they are curious enough to be intrigued by what their parents are bringing into their mouths.

Nutrition During Pregnancy: What Science Tells Us


Nutrition plays a major role in maternal and child health. Poor maternal nutritional status has been related to adverse birth outcomes, although the association between maternal nutrition and birth outcome is complex

The Benefits of Using Green Products to Clean Your Home


Every year at some point in time, whether it be the start of the new year, a birthday or just waking up one morning with new motivation, people determine that they’re going to do something to make their life better.

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